Monday, January 30, 2006

Festive Minor

Right... Time for me to crawl outta my shell and start blogging again... being home was good... except for when my comp crashed just after I finished my essay and the internet was always acting up... whatever...

Have you ever had that feeling so much is happening or has happened to you, you don't know what to write or where to begin?

Hrmmm... well, for one... I've got new friends at back at my old church in Basingstoke... People I can actually COMMUNICATE with in an UNAWKWARD manner... have you ever noticed that the word AWKWARD looks AWKWARD? Never mind.. just a passing thought...

This entry is in sputters... I'm still trying to sort things out in my comp after the crash... yea... so er... oh... the week I was back at Uni... made lotsa good 3rd year friends! Got some big gig coming up or something... but anyway, I got new material for teaching... yay... er.... oh... hrmmm... actually just wanted to ponder over this issue...

I've always wondered about the way to balance between being a person in the worship ministry... where your main objective is to focus all the attention on God and give him all the glory... and a performer... where your main objective is to get people to focus on you so that you can maintain a decent income... anyway just wondering... thoughts floating through my head...

Wanted to post some pictures up but there's something wrong with the PC-Mobile phone link... looks like I gotta set it up again... hrmmm.. yea... anyway... still wondering what to expect tomorrow once school starts... oh crap... that reminds me... I need to type out my homework...

Longing for the next holiday already... =p

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

500 Miles High

Back from Hiatus... Did yall miss me? =P Anyway... I'm totally refreshed... Still got this research and listening log to do now... lol... shouldn't be too hard... I've finished my essay!!!! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! 2000 words... Was doing most of it in Scotland and stuff haha! Being back home was nice too! Scotland was a nice getaway from civilazation... or at least as we know it today lol... yea... Met up with Uncle Roger and Auntie Ross, Auntie Lucy and Auntie Joan and Auntie May... Wow that's a lot of people haha... Yea.. Christmas was spent with Frank, Suki, Ricardo and Marissa... 2 young international couples hehe... fun... Anyway... New Year's nothing much... stayed inside to play computer =p yea ok, it's sad... but I was happy hehehehe... erm... we went to visit Bright and Miriam, Bunny and Grace... good time of fellowship... I'm back in the halls for a week before I go back home again... lol... anyway... too many people chatting and emailing me now... haha... gotta go... will update in a month maybe? =p sorry folks...

I'm on vacation...
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