Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I Could Write A Book

As the end of the semester approaches, I retreat to my room longing for home, thinking about the first experiences of university life... the good, the bad and the absolutely surreal... I'm finding it harder and harder to write because I've got too many stories, I don't know where to start... I'm slowly beginning to become unfamiliar with the process of putting my thoughts down on a computer screen... Maybe that's a good sign... Maybe it shows I don't need a virtual place to escape to as the amount of stuff happening in everyday life is rich enough to satisfy my intellectual, emotional and physical needs... Or maybe I just CAN'T write... Anyway, here are some of the many events that happened this week...

Friday... Did Isaac's gig at his brother's bar... with Alex... Isaac's a nice guy and everything but he's just not organized... Anyway... He gave me a suit... just the top... Which is exactly what I needed for Sunday Celebrations and church... Had some real spicy food there too... Miss that a lot... Music wise, no one was paying attention... which is probably a good thing because the songs Isaac chose didn't really go with the atmosphere... Alex's 1st jazz gig anyway... Just so you know... Alex is a really good friend of mine... He's like a music soul mate... someone you can just connect with... he lives on my floor... Anyway, we got back to the halls about 2am in the morning... 20 pounds richer... pretty ok for about doing just 6 songs... lol... transport, food and clothes provided...

Saturday... I went to Happy's house with Crystal to meet the two little girls I teach every week... Crystal helping to teach them in the following weeks cos I'm going back home (BASINGSTOKE) for a while... The 2 kids were so sweet... they were like... NOooOooOooo... don't leave!!! LOL haha... I'm coming back to teach them in Feb anyway... they're really mature for their age... Their mum also cooked us food again... tasty... lovely family... Oh yea and I also learned a bit more of their language... After that went to get some Christmas presents for Pastor Bright and family and met Michael, Amelia and Grace there... Whoops... haha good thing they didn't see the presents in the trolley... bleah... After that we popped by Bright's house... All of them were pleasantly surprised to see us there cos Celebration Sunday was the next day and they were working on getting the food and everything done... Met some of the other church members as well...

Sunday... I woke up late!!! ACK!!! Bunny was supposed to come and pick me up and by the time he arrived here I just woke up... Had to rush to get dressed and every thing!!! So embarrassing haha... The service itself was good I think... Saw Dave and Chris Richards, Jonathan and Sarah Aston who came from my church back home in Basingstoke... Dave was particularly happy to see me cos he said he'd been praying for someone from Basingstoke to be planted in this church... Cos they have a few churches that run across London... And another good friend of my David Hollow, just 22, is going to be in one of those churches... Anywho, I saw the 2 little kids I teach every Saturday again... Had a nice chat with them haha... you can talk with them as if they are adults... but they are just 9 and 10!!! Crystal was well impressed with that... I had to leave early because I had a gig on at night... Wish I'd stayed longer though...

Sunday Night... Met Isaac at the train station... surreal... He had one other guy in the front, all the equipment at the back and I was wondering how on earth am I going to get in... He said just squash up in the front for about 5 mins... OooOOkkkkk... So it was totally hilarious with 2 of us crammed up in the left hand side of the car... and Isaac happily driving along the road... It was actually a church we were supposed to play at... Now, I'm not one to judge the Christian faith... But there was this strong feeling of a cult going on... I did not feel comfortable at all one bit... 1st of all the pastor doesn't say hello or anything like that, he doesn't prayer before service and dare I say, I think, prophesizes superficially... God forgive me if I'm wrong... During worship... this guy comes up and starts playing the keyboard and asks if this other keyboardist can do the song in G... No one stops him or anything... Isaac comes up after worship and performs... Love story and ain't no sunshine when she's gone... but with different lyrics... i.e. inserts of Jesus and God blah blah... and these people are loving every bit of it... surely, there must be something wrong with morality here right? Of course it could be me who totally gets this wrong and if so may I be corrected for it... Thing is... the other musicians that came were feeling it too... Anyway, I'm glad I got to meet Femmi again, the bass player I met from Skippo's band the last time... Also got to meet 2 other guys Salom and I can't remember the other guy's name... whoops... that experience was an eye opener... It makes me think to myself if I'm doing the same thing and making a mockery out of the faith... maybe not as overtly but still... It's a sad state of affairs...

Monday... Samba in the morning... rehearsal for the gig at night... pretty smooth... just tying up loose ends... The gig was ok... Nikki Iles and Malcolm Edmonstone's groups were tight... Rick, the guy who takes us for Samba wasn't there... so we had to go on stage and urgh... some of the Samba groups didn't practise... it was quite embarrassing... I was in one of the last groups... actually... I was in the group that finished the show... Oh well, there was a jam session on in the bar later and I went for that... yes, I did go up and jam... haha Skippo wouldn't stop playing... a couple of crappy endings but otherwise a good end to the night... There was however this guy in the front, probably a second year jazz student, who kept making comments or gestures to express his annoyance at the musical unawareness of some of the jammers... I thought it was unnecessary... I hate arrogant people... they get on my nerves... but it made me think if I'm ever like that... Lord, keep my heart warm and my head cool... Oh, also at the gig before the jam session, there was this guy called Christian... Nice guy... and he plays the piano... man... I've felt inspired again... time to go practice... well, gotta start on my 2000 word essay 1st... dang... maybe I'll do it in Scotland or something haha... yea... well, see what happens... I don't like essays...

Funny thing is, I thought this would be a short entry...


Blogger Jordan said...

oh my goodness you actually found me!!! LOL anyway yes guess that's true... need the Holy Spirit to guide and lead... Might pop by in a week or two... cya soon Nyarai!! stay blessed ;)

6:00 am  

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