Tuesday, March 29, 2005

What Are You Doing The Rest Of Your Life?

Well, if it isn't you again reading all the private moments of my life to satisfy your voyeuristic needs... haha... sorry... been under a bit of stress lately...

Went to Mei Jian's house last night and completed a few more songs... started at 6, ended around 10pm... the cake was nice... thanx Mei Jian!!! There were some really inspiring moments too... haha... I've got to perform that Dorothy and Leo song at coffee club sometime... Oh and yes... had dinner there too... Chicken pie and cream of corn soup... was trying to be polite so I downed a bit of the soup... for those of you who know I don't eat veg!!! Anyway, during that time, Mei Yen popped in to say hi, Chang called me to see if I wanted to watch Hitch with the guys... man, wish I could have gone... but when inspiration comes you don't wanna lose it... so I passed... sacrifice number 1....

We stopped at 10 something coz Mei Jian wanted to watch desperate housewives... ok I confess... I love that show too!!! Hee... and hey what do you know I caught a cab with TV mobile inside... what fortune... haha.... anyway... I went back and watched the rest of it... then watched Las Vegas, Fraiser and Arrested Development... Interesting shows.... haha... slept at one...

Woke up this morning at 830... feeling tired... had to hand copy some transcriptions for the uni application... got fed up and photocopied them instead... sent in the originals with my essay.... Hope it gets to UK soon... Man... it's $36 for express delivery and air mail.... sheesh!!! yea... anyway, I got back and did the songs for the Leslie Cheung gig... rehearsal tonight at Marina Xavier's house... wonder how I'm going to get there... Tanjong Katong Gardens of all places! After I did that I typed out the songs Mei Jian and I worked on last night... makes it much easier to read than those little scribbles... haha... both of ours... I'm still sleepy... sacrifice number 2....

WAHEY!!! I finally got the song from Fiona!! "God gave me you" It's her favourite song and she's been wanting me to learn it... but I have never been able to find that song on google... So now I have the mp3 and it's kinda nice... If she pops by the coffee club sometime, man, I'd better be able to play that song! haha... Also checked friendster... this is the 4th or 5th time something has gone wrong with that site... all my testimonials are gone... last time it was all my friends who were gone... why did I ever join this wonky thing in the 1st place? haha...

Hey, you know what, all the above paragraphs start with the letter w... interesting... ok... I'm going off on a tangent... was talking to Alex over msn just now... she's working as a talent scout for some company... haha... searching for models... funny job... the rest I leave up to your imagination ;)

Anyway, I'm thinking having a nap... hrmmm... oh wait... I still have to write that letter to Nikki... arghh.... sacrifice number 3.... no sleeping early or entertaining myself tonight either.... sigh....

Oh well, music's something I chose to do when I was 13... sacrifices are just part of it I guess... I might as well get used to it... After all, I'm going to be doing it the rest of my life...

I'm out...


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